Ullens Center For Contemporary Art, Beijing, China / April 15 – June 10, 2012

Curated by Elisabeth Biondi

BEYOND WORDS: PHOTOGRAPHY IN THE NEW YORKER is an exhibition of more than one hundred works by some 65 photographers from across the globe. Although the photographs have been gathered from a wide range of sources – including studios, galleries, archives, and private collections – and range chronologically from 1890 to 2010, every image was published in The New Yorker between 1992 and 2010, a formative period in the magazine’s history. 

In 1996, Elisabeth Biondi arrived at The New Yorker with a mandate to expand the presence of photography in the magazine. She contracted a small group of photographers to shoot on a regular basis, employed numerous others on an occasional basis and drew from a multitude of esoteric, often historical sources to locate images that richly illustrate the magazine's multi-faceted content. For fifteen years, Biondi presented photographs that heightened the experience of reading the articles for which the magazine has been respected, treasured and enjoyed.


Above: David Lynch – Martin Schoeller, 1999