Fridman Gallery, New York / Jan 30 – February 27, 2015
Artists: Jesse Chun, Magali Duzant, Michelle Claire Gevint, Rehan Miskci, Charles Sainty, Jesse Wakeman
Curated by Elisabeth Biondi
The world of photography has changed radically in the last few decades. It has opened up in so many ways and has been freed from a relatively narrow interpretation. This creates a vast new world of possibilities as artists incorporate technology and digital imaging into their work. MFA programs here in New York, which this exhibition examines, have responded to the change by creating more dynamic programs and broadening their boundaries. Students are challenged to engage in interdisciplinary practices and are compelled to re-think the age-old traditions in lens-based photography. The result of this change is a new group of conceptually minded artists who are redefining a medium that was once contained in a negative. In this exhibition, Elisabeth Biondi gathered the thesis work of six artists who graduated with an MFA degree in 2014. They share an in-depth understanding of cameras, technology, and software at their disposal to express their ideas. They operate in a fluid image world and embrace it fully. They are all talented, creative, and articulate about the work that they are creating. However, Elisabeth is most fascinated by the individual and highly personal visual approach each has chosen. This diversity reflects the multidimensional practices that is transforming the contemporary world of photography.
Above: Untitled - Michelle Claire Gevint, 2014