Annenberg Space for Photography, Los Angeles / April 23 - August 21, 2016 

Artists: Lynsey Addario, Omar Victor Diop, Graciela Iturbide, Martin Schoeller, Tom Stoddart

Curated by Elisabeth Biondi, Patricia Lanza

With the number of displaced people having reached some 60 million globally, according to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, this timely exhibition will allow audiences to engage with aspects of the plight of refugees not previously encountered, and to reflect on a full range of current global refugee experiences through singular and compelling images. These images humanize the refugees’ struggles to build new homes and peaceful lives while in flight from dehumanizing and life-threatening persecution and deprivation. A core principle of REFUGEE is to present these diverse populations with both dignity and respect, even as they have endured often unwelcoming conditions and hostile environments in order to find their new beginnings

Photos below by Tom Stoddart, Martin Schoeller, Graciela Iturbide, Omar Victor Diop
